This is the sequence of screens for a typical TDE build, set up with the ./ script.

The default at any stage has been set to the most likely option, so selection should mainly be pressing the Enter key.

Building the Required packages

.. starting with downloading the source archives ..

The Introduction appears once, before a build list has been created:

Selecting New:

Selecting 14.1.3:

Selecting /opt/tde:

Selecting gcc:

Selecting <2> - editable for option <3>:

Selecting the default -j6, editable:

Messages localization for the Required packages is in the tde-i18n package,
but .desktop file localization is included in the tdelibs and tdebase packages
so select any localization here:

For a first run, building the Required packages, select the Stop option:

Select the default No - the build will stop at a failure and the build files for that package will be retained:

Selected Required packages, plus avahi-tqt if required for tdelibs

With tqt3 in the build list, this screen appears with selectable options:

.. and this if there are duplicated paths in PKG_CONFIG_PATH - default Leave

Build with gcc visibility support - currently OFF because tdelibs hasn't been installed

With tdebase in the build list, this screen appears:

Only download the sources. The script can then be restarted to enable the build to be run offline:

Check the build list:

.. and Return and Download sources:

.. and then re-running ./ to build the packages

Select Re-use:

Confirm or change these build options:

.. and Start:

Building additional packages

As before, except:

Additional languages support:

Select Continue:

Your choice:

Choose additional packages:

Your choice:

Confirm or change these build options:
Packages will need to be installed as they are built
because there is a build-time dependency imlib in the build list.

Check the build list:

.. and Return and Start:

Build failure

Successful builds will be removed from the build list.
If, for example, tdeartwork fails ..

Re-run the script with the Re-use option:

Decide whether to Continue or Stop at a failure -
in this case, as there is only one package to be built, it doesn't matter:

Confirm or change these build options:
Depending on the nature of the failure, it might help to enable the 'verbose' option.

Check the build list:

.. and Return and Start:

A sample output
from a download only - for a development build

Admin and cmake are common to all repositories and are
cloned/updated once per run of

 Starting tqt3.SlackBuild
Script started, output log file is '/tmp/tqt3-14.2.0-source_download-log'.
Updating admin ...
Already up to date.
Updating cmake ...
Already up to date.
Updating tqt3 ...
Already up to date.
Script done.

Sub-modules are cloned/updated as required for a package:

 Starting arts.SlackBuild
Script started, output log file is '/tmp/arts-14.2.0-source_download-log'.
Updating arts ...
Already up to date.
Updating libltdl ...
Already up to date.
Script done.

Miscellaneous sources are checked:

 Starting imlib.SlackBuild
Script started, output log file is '/tmp/imlib-1.9.15-source_download-log'.
  imlib-1.9.15.tar.bz2 already downloaded ...
Script done.

An update:

 Starting tdebluez.SlackBuild
Script started, output log file is '/tmp/tdebluez-14.2.0-source_download-log'.
Updating tdebluez ...
remote: Enumerating objects: 21, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (21/21), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (11/11), done.
remote: Total 13 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)
Unpacking objects: 100% (13/13), 4.02 KiB | 8.00 KiB/s, done.
   b06473f..fadb46f  master     -> origin/master
 * [new branch]      r14.1.x    -> origin/r14.1.x
Updating b06473f..fadb46f
 ConfigureChecks.cmake                     | 32 ++++++++------------------------
 src/libtdebluez/CMakeLists.txt            | 21 ++++++---------------
 src/libtdebluez/interfaces/CMakeLists.txt | 31 ++++---------------------------
 src/libtdeobex/CMakeLists.txt             | 23 +++++++----------------
 src/libtdeobex/interfaces/CMakeLists.txt  | 24 +++++-------------------
 5 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)
Script done.

tde-slackbuilds build scripts